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Available Online

Exploration Conversation

Exploring the possibility of our coaching relationship - both individually or as part of a Circle

30 min
Online Session


This 30-minute FREE session is a relaxed time where you can ask questions to see if coaching and/or a Circle gathering is the right tool for you to move forward in your life. We'll decide together if a coaching relationship between the two of us is a good fit. When you've completed an Exploratory Conversation and we've agreed to a coaching partnership and/or a Circle, you can sign up to become a member at Once you receive your confirmation email, you can go to the Member Booking page and purchase a coaching package, participate in a Circle gathering or sign up for one of my other offerings. After you schedule your package, you will receive an intake questionnaire via email. Please complete at least 24 hrs. before our session.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel please give 24 hours notice. Thank you

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