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I'm Karen.

Coach. Cultivator. Believer in people. Lover of color. Drawn towards light. Amateur artist. Master gardener. Delighting in front porch sits, family, neighbors, and afternoon garden gatherings. Always creating, learning, and growing.


I spent my 20’s and 30’s raising kids. For 7 years, I worked at their middle school where my thirst for learning and innate curiosity came in handy. Having a large family helped me learn to be organized and creative in solution finding. Did I mention there were six children? Even in the midst of all these people I often felt like I was alone. Recognizing my connection to Love and others definitely helped me get through this fulll season.

My Journey

As the kids started to leave the nest I became a youth director at our church. What in the world? The kids move out and I start working with students and their parents! Through this  experience I realized that I really love people, all kinds of people and all ages. I also discovered that I’m a great listener. I was able to see first-hand the beautiful transformation that is possible when people feel seen and heard.

In the process of all of life happening, I was diagnosed with a chronic illness. This led me on a scary, wild adventure exploring health, and how our bodies hold our experiences. Life was indeed messy and complicated. After 20 years, I am now on the other side of this difficult season - healthy, flourishing and thankful. This difficult time resulted in a deep sense of my own preciousness and worth, along with a clear understanding of what I bring to the world.

As I healed, I began to explore what I might want to do with my life now that I had the time and energy. Reflecting back, I came to realize that the times I felt most connected to people usually happened one-on-one or in small groups. One day while visiting with a dear friend on my back patio, she suggested I consider attending Awaken Coach Institute based in France. I said, "Well, I’m not an athlete and wouldn't be able to coach sports!" LOL! And the rest is history!


The Story


Circle River

Circle River is a place of legacy: a place where the most difficult seasons of my life occurred and where those seasons were redeemed. For over 35 years, I lived on a property nestled between cedars and the beautiful Snoqualmie River east of Seattle, in an area known as Circle River.


Aside from being used for bathing, dishwashing, and irrigating my garden, the flowing river also brought rest for my soul along with delight and adventure into the lives of my children. While living in Circle River my connection with God, the earth and all things growing was cultivated. There, I experienced the tenacity and resilience of the human spirit, and eventually came to understand that every bit of beauty and hardship blends together to create my best self.


I would be honored to come alongside you as you navigate the river of your life and step into your best self and a place of flourishing.

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