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It's often wonderful, complicated and really hard all at the same time!

I’m Karen Miller, a Seattle based Life Coach

for women choosing to flourish even when life feels messy.

This is what I know, believe and what I've lived:

When we know we're not alone, that we are intimately connected to Love and others, we are empowered even in the messiness of life,

to remember that we are precious

with something beautiful and unique to offer the world.

 It's in that lovely space of connection and remembering that you and I,   either together or with a small group of other women can partner and   bring to light all the possibilities for our flourishing.

Sometimes life just feels messy...

With all the information, opinions and noise coming at us in the world today, along with all that’s going on inside our own heads, it’s hard to break through to the answers we are searching for. 

During our time together I will hold space with you,

listening and asking simple questions all the while trusting that the answers you seek are within you, waiting to come to the surface.

Together we'll connect in a way that helps you see possibilities

and open up to the wisdom within you.


Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.

―  International Coach Federation (ICF)

If you'd like to know more about Life Coaching or joining a Circle gathering, book a free Exploration Conversation.
Let's connect and explore together!
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